Plus 1 Shows

Our Library:

The great beyonD $900

Explore outer space with this stellar program! Including all original composition from Plus 1 Designs, this show takes you on a journey of exploration and wonder through the Great Beyond!


Disconnected $900

Technology surrounds us. Explore the challenge of disconnecting with a mixed-meter and fast paced program sure to turn some heads!*


A Game with drums $800

Pulse-pounding action ensues when you roll the dice in a game you were never meant to find. The hunter becomes the hunted - will you make it out alive?*

Hope in Darkness $800

Finding hope and inspiration in the darkest of times is the inspiration for this program. Going from darkness to light, the triumphant ending is defiant in the face of the dark themes throughout.*

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Unfinished $900

Unfinished plays with the idea of finding the meaning through the process, instead of the finished product. Using themes from famously unfinished pieces of music, this program shows that closure is sometimes a luxury.

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Anomaly $900

Find the solace of being an individual, with plenty of front ensemble challenge and moments of variety to help your ensemble stand out!*

Bent out of shape $800

Bent Out of Shape is all about being flexible! With interesting motifs that stretch and pull you'll be sure to keep your audience on the edge of their seat!*

GO! $800

GO! Anywhere you want with this diverse program! With challenges for all sections, GO! is focused on always moving forward. Sure to please the crowd, don't stop, just GO!*


Questions? Contact us!


More titles coming soon!


*Some additional licensing required